Bunker Fuel Spilled During Bunkering at St Petersburg



What Happened:  

Cargo ship Triton Reefer was bunkering at the port of St Petersburg during which it spilled heavy fuel due to damaged bunker hose.

Give me more Information:

It is estimated that at least 100 liters of bunker fuel have been leaked into the sea when the vessel was taking fuel from the bunker tanker Freya.  It was reported that the fuel spilled into the water during the bunkering operation, and the ship’s crew plunged into action to restrict further pollution by stopping the bunkering operation and by timely reporting to the local authorities.  The emergency team responded to environment pollution site, dispatching hazmat team and equipment for water cleansing to eliminate the pollution.

What is the Situation Now?

The cleanup was reportedly in progress, however, both the bunker tanker and the cargo ship were detained for further investigation.

MFAME’s comments:

It is recommended to simulate such scenario during next oil spill drill and the ship Managers to check/identify/impart additional measures to prevent such incidents.

Some of MFAME’s readers have also added that “the C/E and Master should check the bunker hose pressure testing certificate and its validity.  The ship staff should include this as a part of their checklist and ensure that the bunker transfer hose is tagged as appropriate and the same reflected in the pressure test certificate”.

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