BWMS User Guide Released By SOCP



The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) has released the Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) User Guide, says an article published in maritime professional.

About BWMS User Guide

Developed by Glosten in cooperation with the SOCP Members and support from the United States Maritime Administration (MARAD), the guide simplifies the complex regulatory framework around ballast water management and provides step-by-step methods for integrating and operating a compliant BWMS.

Geared primarily toward U.S

The guide is geared primarily toward U.S. flag operators in both domestic and international trade, but foreign flag operators may find aspects of the guide useful for planning, particularly if they operate vessels in U.S. waters under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Coast Guard, SOCP said.

Jayson Toth Comments

“We believe it is a great tool and will enhance awareness for all maritime operators,” said SOCP President Jayson Toth.

Toth said the project was spearheaded by Project Executive Yanran Wang, DNV GL USA, Inc., with contributions from Glosten and MARAD and feedback from SOCP members.

A second release of the guide is under development and will include several important areas of guidance, such as the ballast water management plan, inspections, sampling and contingency measures.

Alan Orthmann Comments

Alan Orthmann, marine engineer at Glosten, said, “The guide presents a straightforward method for developing a successful BWMS program, and organizes key guidance into a ready-to-use document. We encourage owners and operators to provide experience-based feedback for incorporation into the next release.”

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Source: maritime professional