Can A Bridge Design Ensure Safety At Sea?


Project  CASCADe: New bridge designs to ensure safety at sea


European research project called Cooperative and Adaptive Ship-based Context Aware Design (CASCADe) has developed new technologies to improve efficiency on-board and minimise the risk of accidents at sea.  This is a three-year European research project is part funded by the European Union (EU).

About 80% of collisions and groundings of vessels take place due to a failure of bridge systems and their usage.  This technological leap is deemed to address the increased number of accidents in and around EU waters.

Features :

  • An adaptive bridge design methodology that aims to integrate both human agents and electronic equipment into one network will facilitate optimisation of the information shared.
  • A touch screen ‘shared display’ to aid communication and cooperation on the bridge.
  • Can project a comprehensive range of information on a single screen depending on situations
  • Can graphically annotate maps, leave notes for other crew members or complete checklists electronically
  • Access to extra information to crew members, otherwise restricted to the pilots by integrating the console with tools used by pilots in their Portable Pilot Units (PPUs).
  • A protocol to establish a link between the PPU and the ship’s electronic charts and then between the PPU and the bridge screens to display information from the PPU screen.

Under the coordination of the Oldenburg Research and Development Institute for Information Technology Tools and Systems (OFFIS), a group of seven project partners from five EU countries will work together to support the project.

Source: CASCADe