Car Carrier Hits Cargo Dock


On August 31, a carrier reportedly collided with cargo docks after a towline failure when it attempted to leave the port.

What happened?

During the incident which occurred around late afternoon, the car carrier ‘Viking Sea’ struck the Hamilton’s cargo docks, after a towline broke as the ship attempted to leave port.

Towline failure:

The car carrier was attempting to leave the port after loading cargo, it was assisted by two tugs ‘Powerful’ and ‘Faithful’. Unfortunately, during manoeuvring off the berth, one of the tug’s towline parted resulting in the vessel drifting down on, and making contact with, the corner of the cargo dock

Dock damaged:

Corporation of Hamilton CEO, Ed Benevides said that damage to the dock would be assessed on Friday to determine the extent of the damage sustained by the dock.

As of now, the vessel has been berthed in the port of Hamilton awaiting further orders. An investigation has been ordered to look into the incident.

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Source: Bernews