Car Crash Kills Two


Unexpected car crash killed fiance and mom of a new mother


In only three hours after her delivery, Crystal Matrau-Belt heard the tragic news — the death of her fiance Emil Skokan III and her mom Peggy Nichols.

Matrau-Belt, 24, went to her doctor on Friday afternoon for a regular check up, but she was rushed to labor as she had high blood pressure.  Her doctor decided it was time to send her to the labor and delivery unit to be induced.  On Saturday, she was still in labor and got an epidural.

She contacted her fiance to inform him to come to the hospital and blacked out during her labor.  Skokan rushed to the hospital.  On his way, he met her mother and both decided to head to the hospital.  Skokan, who was driving the car, lost his control over the car and hit a tree. Both were declared dead.

Matrau-Belt gave birth to her son, named Jeremiah, and after some time, she felt something was wrong while both her mother and fiance did not turn up.

Speed was the important factor for the crash reveals Authorities.

On hearing the news, she said weeping, “They didn’t know what was going on, and a lot of medical stuff was happening.  Their main focus was being able to be here because I didn’t want them to miss anything.  They just wanted to be there for me.”

“Losing two of the most important people in my life at the same time as bringing a child into the world, it’s like happy and the most heartbreaking thing,” Matrau-Belt said in an interview Monday at Bronson Methodist Hospital.  “I waited so long to be able to have a child, and to have a child but then have two things ripped out of my life; it’s just really hard to deal with and even process.”

Source: MLive