Cargo Container Fire Leads To Serious Crew Injury


Transport Malta reports of a fire incident in the cargo container of CMA CGM Rabelais resulting in the serious injury of a crew member.

What happened

Whilst the vessel was en route to its destination, a fire broke out in a container loaded on deck. This container was not declared to be carrying any dangerous goods.

Although the crew members immediately
commenced firefighting, the fire eventually spread to the neighbouring containers, several of which contained dangerous goods.

During the fire-fighting operations, the chief officer fell while descending a portable ladder and suffered serious injuries. The ladder had not been secured, and it was likely that it slipped or tipped over.

While the exact cause of the fire could not be determined, the safety investigation believed that moisture may have come in contact with the cargo, causing it to decompose and ignite.

Following due consideration by the MSIU of the safety actions taken by the Company following the fire, and no recommendations have been issued.


  • The fire started inside the cargo container stowed on the forward, starboard hatch cover of cargo hold no. 4, in location 27-05-82.
  • Athough the exact cause of the fire could not be determined, considering the hazards of the cargo stated in its MSDS, the safety investigation believes that moisture coming into contact with the cargo may have likely caused it to decompose and ignite the packaging.
  • The fire eventually spread to, and damaged, the neighbouring containers, which included tank containers carrying IMDG Class 3 cargoes.
  • The C/O fell and suffered serious injuries while descending a portable ladder which, being unsecured, may have either slipped or tipped over.
  • Due to in adequate information on the cargo, the safety investigation was unable to determine why the cargo was not declared as dangerous goods, although the MSDS stated hazards similar those of oxidizing substances (Class 5.1 of the IMDG Code) and it was classified as an oxidising material under the WHMI.

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Source: Transport Malta