A Cargo Ship Nearly Runs Over The Row2Rio Team


A team of four rowers rowing from Portugal to Rio De Janeiro nearly hit a 180m huge cargo vessel on the Atlantic.


The Row2Rio 2016 is a group of rowers, who are rowing for a cause.  They planned on rowing from London to Rio de Janeiro for paying a tribute to Olympics aboard their 8-meter row boat.  The team departed from Portugal on February 29, and covered more than 1,500 kilometers of their 7000 miles journey.  They are currently on their way between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canarie, which are part of the Canary Islands off Western Sahara.

A member of the team wrote on a social blog that, “Two nights ago I forgot to mention our close call.  We were making good late night headway when our auto tiller decided to throw a fit and take us in tight circles.  This wouldn’t have been so bad except at the same time a 180m cargo ship was within half a mile of us and crossing our path.  Our AIS alarm (close proximity to other vessels) went off and in the distance the ships spotlight came on and they were sweeping the water looking for us as their alarm system would have sounded as well.   A quick chat via the radio with the ship and a system reset on the Auto tiller and all was fine and we were on our way again.  There are so many big ships out here that you really have to be on your guard at all times, especially in an 8m row boat.”

They just escaped the collision with the help of a quick chat via the radio with the ship, and a system reset on the auto tiller.

By the end of this voyage the Row2Rio team will achieve three world records at the same time by rowing exclusively with human power alone and with full backing from the Ocean Rowing Society and support from ocean rowing experts.  The team is documenting its entire journey on social media using the publicity to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support.

Photo credit: Row2Rio

Source: Phuket Gazette