Cargo Ship Quarantined: 1 Dead & 10 Test Positive


A Greek cargo ship has been quarantined off the island of Crete since Sunday after a sailor died and 10 more tested positive for the novel coronavirus, reads an ekathimerini press release.

Crew test positive

A Filipino national, aged 55, was found dead in his cabin by the captain while the ship was sailing off Egypt, heading to the port of Kali Limenes in southern Crete, the announcement said. A 59-year-old Greek sailor, who is also infected, was airlifted to a hospital in Rhodes where he is being treated.

The rest of the crew, made up of 13 Filipinos and eight Greeks, have been quarantined on the ship, which is owned by Nereus Shipping. The local port authority has launched an investigation into the incident.

Monitoring crew health

On Sunday, three seafaring unions called on the National Organization for Public Health (EODY) to test the crew again and request better protection of the sailors’ health.

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Source: ekathimerini