Cargo Ships For Budget Travel


 Looking for a Best Budget Travel? Be A Passenger On A Cargo Ship


John McGuffick, 72 years of age, talks about taking a cruise on a shoe-string budget: He tells cargo ships are the only way to travel on best budget.

John McGuffick has had a few hairy moments at sea from tumultuous oceans to raw steak dinners. But the retired Australian farmer says there’s no better way to see the world than from a budget berth on a cargo ship. He took his maiden voyage on a freighter in 1998 and hasn’t stopped holidaying on them since. He’s notched up thousands of kilometres at sea, crisscrossing the globe on trips such as Southampton to Gothenburg,Philadelphia to Brisbane and Dunkirk to Singapore.

He recommends first-time cargo-ship travellers to spend time watching and observing before getting up close and personal with the crew and their equipment. True, he had some harrowing experiences more than a few times! Getting acquainted with the crew slowly also helps.

Food can be excellent based on the nationality of the ship.

While container ships may be among the world’s biggest vessels, they can still struggle in bad weather. Possible hazards from different aspects, including bad weather, are a part of the journey!


Source: Stuff