Cepsa To Offer Biofuel Blends in Barcelona and Other Spanish Ports

Credits: ckstockphoto/Pixabay

After committing to supply a small biofuel volume of 100 mt to power ferry voyages across the Gibraltar Strait, Cepsa Marine Fuels is now planning to start supplying more biofuel blends in Barcelona and other Spanish ports, reports ENGINE.

The company already supplies blends of up to 24% biofuel (B24) for bunkering by tanker and barge in Algeciras and Huelva, and will expand its biofuel deliveries to other ports in Spain by trucks, the spokesperson said.

Second-generation biofuels

Among the fuels Cepsa provides for marine transport, the company offers second-generation biofuels, which means they are waste- and not crop-based. The biofuels come in two main categories: fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). These biofuels are then blended into HSFO, VLSFO and MGO, depending on buyers’ needs and preferences.

There is no minimum order quantity for biofuel stems but a minimum lead time of two weeks “would be necessary to make all the arrangements [for stem delivery]” across Spanish ports, the spokesperson said.

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Source: ENGINE