Chartered Status for CoC and Master Mariners


The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) has announced the charting of Class One Certificates of Competency (unlimited) and Master Mariner Certificates to a Chartered Status qualification.


The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) has announced the charting of Class One Certificates of Competency (unlimited) and Master Mariner Certificates to a Chartered Status qualification.  This initiative can be considered as the milestone for supporting the professional development of seafarers.

The individuals who are having IMO white-listed certificates of competency, along with an unlimited Class 1 ticket and appropriate experience can apply for the Chartered Marine Engineer (CMarEng) registration.  The mariners with masters along with suitable experience can apply for the Chartered Marine Technologist (CMarTech) status.

David Henderson, Professional Development Manager and Registrar of IMarEST have informed that the largest marine organization recognizes the importance of professional experience for the marine engineers and scientists.  It allows both seagoing engineering and deck officers to gain a level of professional recognition appropriate for their responsibilities and technical knowledge.  It offers an international multi-disciplinary professional platform which provides grades of membership for professional recognition to everyone.

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) is the international professional body and represents the learned society for all marine professionals.  It aims to promote the progress of marine engineering, science and technology.  It also offers a platform for the exchange of ideas and practices, standards and knowledge of marine professionals worldwide.  It is a licensed body of the Engineering Council which is allowed to issue Engineering Registers.  Additionally, it also recognizes and award Technology Registers to those who do not have an engineering background with Royal Charter.