Chemical Tanker Capsize, 8 Killed & 2 Missing


  • A South Korean tanker capsized off Japan. One crew member survived, and the fate of three others was unknown.
  • The tanker was carrying 980 tons of acrylic acid, a corrosive organic compound.

A South Korean tanker has capsized off an island in southwestern Japan, reports AP News.

Chemical tanker capsize

Authorities said the capsizing has killed eight people on board. One crew member survived, and the fate of two others was unknown.

The Japan Coast Guard said it received a distress call from the chemical tanker Keoyoung Sun, saying that it was tilting while seeking refuge from the weather near Japan’s Mutsure Island, about 620 miles from Tokyo in southwestern Japan.

The ship was completely capsized by the time rescuers arrived at the scene. Footage on Japan’s NHK television showed the ship lying upside down while a rough sea washed over its red underside. No leak has been detected.

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Source: AP News