China Sets Sight On Arctic, Plans Crewed Submersible For Seabed Exploration


China is preparing to send a crewed submersible to explore the Arctic Ocean’s polar seabed as part of its expanding ambitions in the region, reports Interesting Engineering.


This mission would make China only the second country, after Russia, to send a manned vessel to the Arctic’s ocean floor.

The polar submersible is designed to descend through a hole in the hull of the Tan Suo San Hao (Explorer Three), a polar research vessel developed by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation’s 704th Research Institute, as reported by South China Morning Post (SCMP).

Polar scientific research

[These systems] can be widely used in the future for polar scientific research, deep-sea oil and gas mineral resource exploration and production, seabed pipeline construction and maintenance [and] search and rescue operations,” the developer stated, according to SCMP.

If successful, China’s exploration would mark a significant leap forward in its technological capabilities in polar regions.

In addition to the submersible, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation has also designed specialized equipment for Tan Suo San Hao to support deep-sea research. This includes a winch system capable of operating at depths of up to 32,800 feet (10,000 meters) and a deployment and recovery system for the submersible.

Advanced technology for polar exploration

Previously, China relied on foreign technology for its polar exploration efforts, but the country now boasts its own advanced systems. These technologies have potential applications beyond scientific research, such as deep-sea oil and gas exploration, seabed pipeline construction and maintenance, and even search and rescue operations.

Exploring the Arctic seabed presents major technological challenges, with extreme temperatures and ice floes limiting traditional research vessels. To bypass this problem, the Chinese crewed submersible will enable deeper underwater missions that can collect valuable data from the seafloor.

China’s polar research vessels

China has been ramping up its polar exploration fleets in recent years, building several icebreakers to navigate the challenging Arctic environment. The Tan Suo San Hao was built in Guangzhou, with the specific goal of using domestically produced equipment for scientific exploration.

Construction began in June last year, and the vessel left the dock in April. It is expected to begin sea trials next year, marking another milestone in China’s growing Arctic presence.

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Source: Interesting Engineering