Chinese Factory Workers Escape Brutal Covid Lockdown


  • iPhone Factory Workers Jumped through wired fencing to escape Covid lockdown.
  • People are making desperate bids for freedom after Beijing’s strict Covid laws.
  • It is believed that a subvariant of Omicron is behind the recent surge of Covid cases in China.

Desperate factory workers have reportedly scaled fences in an attempt to escape brutal Covid lockdowns inside China’s massive factories, reported by Express.

Freedom bid

In a TikTok video, ten workers are seen fleeing The Foxconn Technology Group complex in Zhengzhou, where iPhones are manufactured, amid reports of strict Covid measures.

Workers are seen climbing over wired fencing surrounding the massive facility in the video, which originated on Chinese social media.

Once over the barrier, it is expected that the workers will begin a long journey back to their hometowns in order to avoid being caught on public transportation.

Strict laws

Beijing’s strict Covid laws have resulted in people making desperate bids for freedom, with images of some stranded on roads carrying large suitcases as they try to avoid the strict health measures.

Workers in Zhengzhou and nearby factories are believed to have been placed under lockdown with a strict regime of daily testing to try to contain the virus, despite public statements from the Taiwan-based company on Sunday that workers would not be prevented from leaving.

Precautionary measures

China’s President Xi has pursued a Zero Covid strategy, which state officials have ruthlessly enforced across the country.

To combat a recent surge in cases, 28 cities have been placed under strict restrictions.

Armed police in hazmat suits have become common in China, as have drones patrolling the streets for rule breakers.

Aggressive policy

A sub-variant of Omicron is thought to be behind the recent surge in new tests in China.

It comes after President Xi centralized total power during his unprecedented third term.

Xi’s tough domestic stance comes amid growing concern about Beijing’s aggressive foreign policy.

A US congressman recently warned that China is watching the Ukraine conflict for clues on how to defeat the West in a future war.

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Source: Express