ClassNK and Associates Trial Advanced CBM for Autonomous Ships


Leading Classification Society ClassNK has concluded a joint research agreement for developing advanced condition-based maintenance (CBM), reads a press release by the company.

This is a new maintenance and management process for engine machinery plants, and establishing a new classification survey scheme based on CBM.

Real time sharing of data

In the joint research project, engine conditions will be continuously monitored and involve the real-time sharing of detailed data acquired from sources including SIMS2 developed by NYK Group and the newly installed sensors of large main engines.

Utilizing the knowhow of engine manufactures, the projects will work to make failure predictions and remaining useful life (RUL) predictions for the engine by taking advantage of manufacturer expertise to create optimal CBM guidelines and then verify them on actual ships.

New survey scheme

ClassNK hopes to apply the outcomes of the joint research to establish a new classification survey scheme based on CBM.

Research content Partners
Joint research for realizing CBM for main diesel engines Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK)
MTI Co. Ltd.
Japan Engine Corporation
Joint research for realizing CBM for main steam turbines Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK)
MTI Co. Ltd.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Equipment Co. Ltd.

ClassNK will continue to support the cutting-edge initiatives of the industry and construct a more streamlined survey scheme through the use of digital technology.

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Source: ClassNK