ClassNK Announces R&D Roadmap


Leading classification society ClassNK has released R&D Roadmap, detailing its vision and goals for projects over the next five years.

The R&D Roadmap outlines the two activities as the foundation of ClassNK R&D, and details investigations and research associated with core technologies (*1) which will also contribute to the development of human resources for contributing maritime technology and engineering as a classification society and utilization of damage information to contribute to damage prevention.

Utilizing these foundational technologies as a base, ClassNK will carry out R&D in the mid-long term on the four focus areas of “Rule Development”, “Survey Technology Innovation”, “Marine Environmental Protection” and “Revolutionary Technology Development”, which aim to “develop improved technical rules in terms of rationality and transparency”, “revolutionize survey processes with the development of robotics instruments of surveys etc. utilizing ICT”, “investigate and research into developing new solutions for environmental regulations utilizing its global network” and “develop maritime technology innovation through digitalization” respectively.

Through this R&D, ClassNK aims to bring about the innovation of maritime technology using the latest IT based on its mission to help ensure the safety of life and property at sea.

ClassNK will collaborate with universities, research institutions, and the industry to execute the R&D Roadmap together with contributions from the further development of human resources.

The ClassNK Roadmap can be downloaded from the following link:

(*1) Core technologies are:

  • Structure (non-linear, use active response analysis, implement load structure consistency analysis etc.)
  • Motion, load (elastic response, load structure coupling, CFD, etc.)
  • Material, welding (streamline fracture assessments, fatigue strength assessments, corrosion prediction etc.)
  • Information, control, communications, electronics (AI, image processing, data analysis, etc.)
  • Energy, environment (renewable energy, environmental impact, etc.)

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