ClassNK Certifies Innovative Technologies Alpha Ori


  • Leading Classification Society ClassNK certifiesd AssetAI, developed by Alpha Ori, as Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions for innovative technologies.
  • In July 2020, to promote the spread and development of innovative technologies, the Society launched Innovation Endorsement as a swift certification service.
  • It is in cooperation with technological front runners to establish appropriate evaluation criteria.
  • Among the certification categories, “Products & Solutions” covers digital equipment and software technology installed for use on vessels.

A recent Class NK news source reveals that ClassNK certifies Alpha Ori’s AssetAI as Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions.

Alpha Ori’s AssetAI

Alpha Ori’s AssetAI is the predictive maintenance solution running on a real time basis, learning from sensor data of associated assets and utilizing the right machine learning algorithm to provide actionable insights.

In addition to monitor equipment degradation, catch anomalies and prevent failures, the solution also provides real time health scores and remaining useful life of an equipment for planning maintenance and overhaul.

ClassNK appreciate AI and Machine Learning aspects

ClassNK’s experts carried out the review by appreciating its functions powered by AI and machine learning, and working on the iterative process of development, examination, and refining for the appropriate methods to verify them as comprehensive and detailed as possible.

On the satisfactory completion of the review, ClassNK issued its Innovation Endorsement certificate for AssetAI.

Captain Rajesh Unni

Speaking on the occasion, Capt. Rajesh Unni, Co-CEO of AOT said, “AOT’s predictive maintenance solution has opened up wide possibilities for the shipping industry to embark on a condition-based maintenance strategy to increase reliability and reduce equipment downtime. Receiving ClassNK innovation certification is a testament to the high standard we have set for ourselves.”

Mr. Nobutaka Mukae, President, Kumiai Senpaku

Mr. Nobutaka Mukae, President, Kumiai Senpaku, Tokyo further said, “Kumiai Senpaku, Tokyo was the first company globally to go for full fleet digitalization and our LPG ‘Hourai Maru’, was the first by ClassNK to be certified for SMARTShip systems in March 2019. We are excited to partner with Alpha Ori for their technology leadership in the maritime domain and strongly believe this is the way forward by going for Digital Transformation. We are sure that with ClassNK innovation endorsement for their AssetAI, predictive maintenance application, a tangible impact will be made on our business operations by improving vessel reliability, reducing equipment downtime and avoiding any safety and regulatory noncompliance.”

Mr. Hayato Suga, Corporate Officer, Director of Plan Approval and Technical Solution Division added that ClassNK has successfully confirmed a set of predictive maintenance functions of Alpha Ori’s AssetAI under our certification scheme tailored to innovative technologies.

He also said that their third-party verification would encourage the industry to adopt and utilize the innovations driven by digital technologies.

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Source :Class NK