ClassNK PSC Report: Fire Remains The Most Common Deficiency Area


  • ClassNK has released its annual report on Port State Control.
  • The report is prepared to enhance awareness of the present state of PSC and improve future onboard maintenance and inspections as well as Safety Management Systems.
  • The report includes statistics and data analysis on ships detained by PSC, as well as typical defective photos.

ClassNK has released its Annual Report on Port State Control (PSC) which summarizes deficiencies identified during PSC inspections carried out in various countries around the world.

Annual Report on Port State Control (PSC)

According to the report, in 2023, a total of 1,488 detainable deficiencies were reported in conjunction with 419 detentions. The 419 PSC detentions were reported for 398 ships classed by ClassNK. ‘Fire safety deficiencies’ such as ‘fire-dampers’, ‘fixed fire extinguishing installation’, and ‘fire pumps’ were pointed out as the most commonly detainable deficiencies.

Ship Type Number of Registered Ships (500GT or over) Number of Detentions Detention Ratio (%)
2023 2023 2023
Bulk Carrier 4,046 270 6.7
General Cargo 713 43 6.0
Container Carrier 677 28 4.1
Chip Carrier 142 6 4.2
Cement Carrier 128 1 0.8
Ro-Ro Ship 100 3 3.0
Vehicles Carrier 295 11 3.7
Reefer Carrier 106 3 2.8
Oil/Chemical Tanker 1,374 45 3.3
Gas Carrier 406 9 2.2
Others 661 0 0.0
Total 8,648 419

Much like 2022, fire safety was the most common detainable deficiency area. Fire safety seems to be a major concern, even though fire onboard is one of the worst emergencies and can cause major loss. Life Saving Appliances (LSA) was the second most common detainable deficiency area, which showcases that the safety of people onboard is a major issue that is seriously overlooked

Credit: ClassNK

International Safety Management (ISM) Code, is also a very common detainable deficiency area. The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

The annual report is available to download on ClassNK’s website.

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Source: ClassNK