ClassNK Releases Guidelines For Cyber Resilience Of Ships


Tokyo – ClassNK has released “Guidelines for Cyber resilience of ships”. The guidelines expound new IACS Unified Requirements (UR) to support the consideration of measures to ensure the cybersecurity of ships.

IACS has established UR E26*1 for ships and UR E27*2 for on-board systems and equipment as URs setting minimum requirements for cyber resilience, which is the capability to reduce the occurrence and mitigate the effects of cyber incidents due to cyber-attacks or other threats.


In the guidelines issued this time, guidance mainly for shipbuilders, shipowners, and ship management companies is described. It covers the application scope of the rules, approval process, required documents, and surveys. The guidelines are available to download on the portal site.

 UR E26: Cyber resilience of ships

UR E26 aims to ensure the secure integration of both Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) equipment into the vessel’s network during the design, construction, commissioning, and operational life of the ship.

UR E27: Cyber resilience of onboard systems 

UR E27 aims to ensure system integrity is secured and hardened by third-party equipment suppliers.

The guidance applies to tests and inspections of materials and equipment for marine use for which advance approval or type approval by ClassNK is required by the relevant requirements in its rules.

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Source: Classnk