ClassNK Updates EEXI & CII Information Following MEPC76


  • Following June held MEPC meet, ClassNK.
  • Additional measures to comply with the regulations such as engine power limitations(EPL) are detailed.

ClassNK updated the information regarding Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index(EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator(CII) rating for ships in service, says a press release published on their website.

Outcomes of 2021 MEPC76

Leading Classification Society ClassNK has updated the information on its website regarding Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index(EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator(CII) rating for ships in service, following the outcomes of MEPC76 held in June 2021.

Comply with the regulations

On top of providing the latest information on mandatory requirements to improve the energy efficiency of ships in service based on the outcomes of MEPC76, additional measures to comply with the regulations such as engine power limitations(EPL) are detailed.

As the assistance to consider regulatory compliance of individual ships, information on EEXI simple assessment service in line with the latest IMO guidelines and a simple calculation tool for CII ratings are also provided.

The society will continue to extend the services to ensure smooth regulatory compliance throughout the industry.

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Source: ClassNK