CMA CGM Launches a New Service INDIAMED


CMA CGM, a leading worldwide shipping group, is pleased to announce the launch starting July 2 of its new service between the East Mediterrane an, Djibouti, Arabian Gulf, Pakistan and India. The service is one of the fastest between these strategic zones and connects CMA CGM hubs in the Mediterranean and the Arabian Gulf.

INDIAMED will complement our MEGEM (East Mediterranean to/from Middle East) and MEDEX (West Mediterranean to/from Middle East & Indian Sub-Continent) offering synergies between services to allow an improved port coverage of these areas and better connections.

Rotation will be: Khor Fakkan – Karachi – Nhava Sheva – Mundra – Djibouti – Jeddah – Damietta – Piraeus – Malta – Aliaga – Mersin – Port Said West – Khor Fakkan

With this new INDIAMED service, CMA CGM will significantly improve its offer for the following trades:

  • East Mediterranean to India and Pakistan with a new direct and fast service.
  • East Mediterranean to the Gulf, to complement existing services but with faster transit times and increased reefer capacity.
  • Gulf, India and Pakistan to Djibouti with a new direct service.
  • India and Pakistan to Red Sea and East Mediterranean with direct calls in Turkey, Malta and Pireaus with the possibility of connection to a wide array of ports in East Mediterranean, Adriatic, Black Sea and North Africa.
  • East Africa to Europe via an optimized transshipment in Djibouti
  • Djibouti to U.S. with an optimized transshipment in Damietta, and to Europe through Mediterranean hubs.

CMA CGM will operate this service in collaboration with its affiliate APL and its Ocean Alliance partner COSCO.

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Source: CMA CGM