COLREG Neglect! Tanker Collides with a Container Ship



On November 20, due to the negligence of duty officers, delayed maneuvering, resulted in collision between the crude carrier UACC Shams and container ship Celina Star in the Bay of Algeciras off the Getares beach, Spain.

The tanker was entering the port when  the container carrier was leaving the same port. Both duty officers reportedly neglected the ColReg and delayed maneuvering, which resulted in collision.


The tanker suffered dented bulwark at the portside foreship, while the container ship suffered dents and bruises at the starboard side aft.  The accident was reported to the local authorities and both ships were ordered to anchor in Bay of Algeciras for special survey and inspection.  As the damages were too small both the ships was released to resume their voyages.  

Fortunately during the accident there were no injured people and no oil leak.

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Source: Europa Sur