Container Ship Attacked, Cocaine Shipment Busted


On December 2, a container ship was attacked by armed criminals on Santos outer Anchorage, Brazil.

What happened?

The container ship ‘Cap San Marco’ was attacked and boarded by five armed criminals who approached it via a speed boat on Santos outer Anchorage, Brazil. The vessel was waiting for a berth at Santos when the attack occurred.

Crew seized and tied up

The Filipino deckhand and the crew members onboard the vessel was seized and tied up by the armed criminals. The armed men stayed onboard the vessel for nearly an hour and fled the vessel.

Cocaine busted

The crew members alerted the port officials and the vessel was boarded by the police when it berthed. The vessel was thoroughly checked, one broken container was found, with no drugs in it. Another container was found inside the hold stacked among many others, which could not be accessed by criminals without moving other containers.

The police discovered 402 kilos of cocaine found hidden in this container. Police suspect that the criminals failed to board and hide their lot of cocaine. The container with cocaine was suspected to have been loaded in the previous port of calling Paranagua.

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Source: Fleetmon