Container Ship Crew Member Falls Overboard and Rescued


  • A crew member on a container ship was rescued after he fell overboard and spent around an hour in the sea off the coast of Co Wicklow yesterday.
  • The alarm was raised at around 10pm last night after the man was reported missing.
  • Wicklow RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat was launched and the Coast Guard Rescue Helicopter 116 also joined in the search.

A recent news article published in the RTE states that cargo ship crew member rescued off Wicklow coast.

Wicklow RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat

Wicklow RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat was launched and the Coast Guard Rescue Helicopter 116 also joined in the search.

The man was located by the lifeboat crew near the Codling Buoy shortly after 11pm and was winched on board the helicopter.

Lifeboat Coxswain Nick Keogh said weather conditions in the area “were calm at the time with good visibility”.

The man was transferred to Beaumont Hospital, where his condition is not known.

Man rescued after extensive Co Kerry search

A swimmer was also rescued last night following an extensive search after clothes were found on a beach in Kerry earlier in the day.

Volunteer lifeboat crew from Fenit RNLI and Rescue 115 had been requested to launch by the Irish Coast Guard at 11am yesterday.

That search was subsequently stood down, but at 6pm gardaí requested that it be resumed.

Two lifeboats searched the original area and the bay nearer to Tralee and were joined by Rescue 115 helicopter.

At 8.30pm, the crew spotted a pod of dolphins and a head above the water about 4km off Castlegregory beach.

The man was conscious and brought on board.

The Operations Manager of the Fenit RNLI said it was “a miracle” they came across the swimmer.

Gerard O’Donnell told RTÉ’s Drivetime that the man was experiencing “a serious amount of fatigue, slightly disoriented, cold, close on hypothermic” and he was “pretty close to being in a non-swimming state”.

He said oxygen was administered to the man who was taken to hospital and has not been discharged yet.

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Source: RTE