Container Ship Damages Keelung Port After Collision


  • A container ship collided with a pier at Keelung Port, Taiwan.
  • The collision damaged the pier’s tug cable and caused cement.
  • The company responsible for the ship has committed to providing compensation.

A container ship collided with a pier at Keelung Port, Taiwan. The incident occurred shortly after the ship arrived from Lianyungang, China, reports Container News.

Possible Cause

Miscommunication between the ship’s crew/pilot and the port authority may have contributed to the collision.

Television footage captured the pilot questioning the ship’s speed and control settings.

Damage Assessment

The collision damaged the pier’s tug cable and caused cement to come off the wharf, exposing cable piles.

A hole was created in the ship’s stern as a result of the collision.

Response and Investigation

Officials from the Maritime Port Bureau’s northern division and the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board inspected the scene to gather data for investigation.

Emergency repairs were conducted on the ship, allowing it to depart Keelung on 20 March and arrive in Kaohsiung on 21 March.

Compensation Assurance

The company responsible for the ship has committed to providing compensation for the damages incurred during the accident.

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Source: Container news