Dutch ship sank and began to leak a dangerous fluid into the water, traffic closed, reports DW.
What happened?
German police closed a river traffic after a Dutch ship sank and began to leak a dangerous fluid into the water. The authorities were trying to prevent it from spreading downstream.
Enormous damage
Two river container ships collided on Sunday while traveling along the Weser river in northern Germany, the German waterways police said. The incident has likely caused “enormous damage,” according to the police.
Vessel sink after hit
A 67-meter-long (220 feet) Dutch vessel went down after hitting a ship from Poland. The Dutch ship had been carrying over 1,000 tons of maize, the public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk reported. The second vessel was also damaged in the collision.
Damage and injury
The incident took place in the northern state of Lower Saxony. According to initial reports, there were no injuries and the cause behind it was unknown.
Crew rescued
The crew had been rescued by the fire services, police from the town of Nienburg said on Twitter, adding that the waterway had been closed.
Leak from sunken ship
They warned that dangerous fluid was still leaking from the sunken ship.