The Country With Highest Fleet Value Per Capita is..?


Its Singapore! The Leading Nation In Fleet Value Per Capita

Singapore becomes the leading nation in having a highest value fleet per capita, according to


Singapore owners control just under 2,000 deep-sea going vessels with a total value of UD35.4bn.  This equates to over USD 8,000 invested in shipping per person in Singapore.

Pacific International Line(PIL), the largest owner of the nation, has a current fleet and orderbook of 138 vessels worth a total current value of USD 3,394 million while Eastern Pacific Shipping’s fleet consisting of 80 vessels is worth a similar amount of money, USD 3,128 million.


Both companies operate a diverse fleet ranging from bulkers to the largest size of containerships on order.  The Singapore owned fleet accounts for:

  • 47% bulkers.
  • 44% tankers.

Norway takes the second place with 1,257 vessels worth USD 26.9 billion, which is followed by Denmark with 883 vessels, Greece with 4,398 and Japan with 4,329 vessels.

Source: All About Shipping