Couple in Coronavirus Ship Gets Wine Delivered by a Drone!


Life on a quarantined ship might be difficult but sure it isn’t devoid of certain guilty pleasures, found an Australian couple who asked for wine on the ship and a drone came to the rescue, reports DroneDJ.

Sending Wine Via Drone

An Australian couple stuck on a quarantined cruise ship with cases of coronavirus on board have managed to get wine delivered by drone. The couple’s wine club was more than happy to send wine to the cruise ship via drone, leaving the couple a little bit happier.

How can you do it?

  • Step1 – Make a Facebook Post: Posted to Facebook by Jan and Dave Binskin on February 7, the couple provided insight into life on the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship off the coast of Japan, and more specifically, getting wine onto the ship.
  • Step 2- Get Noticed By A Wine Club: The Naked Wine club received the request from the couple who wanted to know if they could get a wine delivery while stuck on the ship. To everyone’s surprise, they accepted.
  • Step 3 – Get it Delivered: The couple’s post stated that two cases of wine were delivered to the ship by drone, and said the Japanese Coast Guard had no idea what was going on.

How did this happen?

On a lighter note, in the middle of the chaos yesterday we get a ring from our wine ? club, I asked do they do free freight to Japan. We have arranged for two cases to be delivered by drone ????. Naked Wine Club you’re incredible, just got the first drop thank god for drones. The Japanese Coast Guard did not know what the f*ck was going on ?????????.

A few posts later, the couple looked to be enjoying themselves with the following said in their post:

Happy hour drone wine ?, even have a wine filter, day three going troppo ?????.

The Diamond Princess cruise ship is currently under a 14-day quarantine period due to a case of the coronavirus being recorded on board. So far, 69 cases of coronavirus have been recorded, with 12 in the United States.

What did the couple write on their Facebook post?

“Quarantined on the Diamond Princess in Yokohama Japan now into Day 6 of 14 we are confined to our cabin,” the couple wrote on their Facebook account while posing with masks, reported the New York Post.

“[We] get let out every 4/5 days for 1 hour walk on the deck we are well and in good spirits so far would appreciate any local news.”

Although the Aussie couple had an ocean view — the seas were getting rocky and the Binskins needed some vino.

“Our view for the next 13 days or maybe 28 as they just found another 10 positive and are taking them ashore ??, they wrote on Wednesday along with an image of the seas.

The couple then reached out to the Naked Wine Club and — much to their delight — received two bottles of Pinot Noir that was delivered to their cabin door by drone.

“Naked Wine Club you’re incredible. Just got the first drop,” they wrote on Friday along with an image of Dave lounging on the bed donning a mask and holding a glass of their finest.

“Thank God for drones, the Japanese Coast Guard did not know what the fu– was going on.”

Drones Helping People With Coronavirus Outbreak

Agricultural drones in China have been flying around spraying disinfectant to rid villages of coronavirus. A video also showed up on the internet of a drone yelling at people for walking around the streets of China without a face mask on.

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Source: Drone DJ