Creation of Global Digital ISO Standard for Data Transfer


  • Public and private players accept maritime NGOs’ invitation to co-create global digital ISO standard for the exchange of administrative and operational data.
  • The culmination of well over three years’ work by NGO’s and key maritime players in both private and private sectors received a major boost this week.
  • With a key missing piece of the puzzle being agreed to in principle by the main global implementors of operational and administrative maritime data exchange systems.
  • Application program interface standards which are compatible and interoperable.

A recent news article published in the WPSP reveals about the new global ISO-standard for ship-shore data exchange.

Positive advances in nautical and hydrographical data standards

This crucial development complements positive advances made in nautical and hydrographical data standards.

And will aim to avoid ships having to exchange differently structured data sets with port communities and supply chain stakeholders around the world before, during and after their port call.

Standardizing offers realistic aspirations for ships to optimize port calls, reducing emissions and berth waiting time.

Invitation sent by NGO industry leaders

The invitation, which was sent by NGO industry leaders Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl (BIMCO), Paul Goris (DryBulkTerminalsGroup), Jonathan Williams (FONASBA), Patrick Verhoeven (IAPH), Gregor Stevens (ICS), Paul Owen (IFSMA), Sabrina Delelis (IHMA), Richard Morton (IPCSA) and Ben van Scherpenzeel (ITPCO) puts forward the proposal to co-create a single- and neutral- supporting technical standard under ISO Technical Committee 8 for administrative and operational data.

The main aim 

The aim is for this Committee is to continue the work on the alignment of ISO 28005 to the IMO Compendium, assuming responsibility for defining the information exchange needs and application program interfaces (API’s) between ship and shore.

ITPCO’s and IHMA’s Captain Ben Van Scherpenzeel commented on the invitation : “This approach ensures that the standard can be accepted and promoted by the IMO and the industry for implementation. It also facilitates sustainable and future-proof maintenance as well as other developments needed to foster data sharing in the maritime industry.”

First signatories already confirm

First signatories already confirming their organization’s participation includes: Andrey Vorobiev (Chartworld), Henning Schleyerbach (DCSA), Jaco Voorspuij (GS1),Jan Hartwig, Gerald Hirt (Hamburg Vessel Coordination Center), Nabil Ouzir (IPCSA), Marcel Jumelet (Maersk), Argyris Stasinakis (MarineTraffic), Anders Wendel (Navelink), Robbert Engels (PortXchange), A Martinez (Prodevelop), Magnus Sundström (Sea Traffic Management/ Swedish Maritime Administration), Jose Maldonado (Fundación  Valenciaport) and Dmitry Rostopshin (Wärtsilä).

The specification and standardization work

The specification and standardization work will be done in an ISO working group with parallel updating of the IMO Reference Data Model.

The draft standards will go through the normal ISO process with eventual approval by the member organizations to ISO TC8/SC11.

All parties will be called to meet during the second quarter of 2021. Additional parties interested in becoming a co-signatory are asked to contact here.

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Source: WPSP