Crew Development Seminar in India: With The Theme, “Changing Forward”

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K Marine Ship Management Pte. Ltd. (KMSM), a ship management company that is part ofthe Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) group, held a crew seminar in Mumbai, India for twodays from March 1st. More than 50 Indian seafarers (officers) from oil tankers, LNG carriers,LPG carriers, and LNG bunkering ship managed by KMSM attended the crew seminar. The event included a lively exchange of opinions and a workshop together with KMSM superintendents on root cause analysis and recurrence prevention examining actual accidents and mental healthcare matters. After the crew seminar, KMSM held a long-service award ceremony, and a social gathering to which families were also invited, says an article published on their website.

About the cermony

President Yukikazu Myochin and many “K” LINE’s executives attended the seminar. At the
long-service award ceremony, the president and the vice president expressed gratitude for their contributions to safe operations over many years and their achievements fostering the next generation. In addition, we expressed our gratitude to the seafarers for their fulfilling their responsibilities without stopping sea transportation in the extremely difficult onboard environment during the COVID-19 pandemic over the past three years.

Based on our corporate principle of contributing to the enrichment of people’s lives as a
shipping company that is trusted globally and centered on the shipping industry, the “K” LINE group aims to achieve sustainable growth and increase its corporate value while moving toward the realization of low-carbon operations and the decarbonization of our company and society.

Through these activities, “K” LINE Group will deepen its understanding of seafarers and their families, who contribute to sea transportation around the world, and build strong connections with them, thereby immersing them in our corporate culture of safety, enabling this culture to mature and providing safe operations and high-quality transportation services.

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Source: K Line