Cruise Ship’s Secret Codes You Never Want To Hear


Cruise ship employee’s secret code words have been revealed and there are some you’d hope you won’t have to hear, says an article published in Mirror.

Dealing with tricky situations

Cruise ships can hold thousands of passengers at any given time, meaning that the ship’s employees often have their work cut out for them.

With so many people on board, an employee has to deal with tricky situations in such a way that they won’t cause mass alarm.

What comes handy?

A series of secret code words that cover a range of situations from vomit to fires.

But someone has spilled the beans, revealing just what these code words mean – and you may want to pay attention.

A freelance reporter Brandon Presser served as a cruise director for a week, and during his time he inevitably picked up some of the key codes employees use on board, as well as learning the ones that are saved for bigger emergencies.

Secret codes better stay secret

It’s crucial for the staff to have code words so that passengers don’t get freaked out if something goes wrong.

A ’30-30′ means the crew is asking maintenance to clean up a mess; three times during my stint I called in a ‘PVI’ (public vomiting incident). It does not cause panic but could just be a little gross.

An ‘Alpha’ is a medical emergency, a ‘Bravo’ is a fire, and ‘Kilo’ is a request for all personnel to report to their emergency posts, which happens in the event of, say, a necessary evacuation and needs a swift reaction.

Be wary of ‘Echo’, which is called if the ship is starting to drift, or ‘Oscar’, which means someone’s gone overboard. A crew member told me he’s had only four or five ‘Oscars’ in 10 years of cruising.

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