Cyber Security Improved, GTDeploy Software Enhanced


  • GTMaritime, a leading provider of secure data communications software to the shipping industry, has launched the latest version of GTDeploy.
  • GTMaritime is continuing its support to businesses as they tighten maritime cyber security processes.

A recent news source published in the GT Maritime states that GTMaritime reinforces maritime cybersecurity with enhanced GTDeploy software.

Role of GTDeploy

Patch management is a vital part of cybersecurity protection and GTDeploy enables ship owners and operators to send and install software updates and security patches remotely.

Identifying and addressing gaps in software security reduces the attack risk, leaving fewer potential entry points for hackers to exploit.

The latest version of GTDeploy features a number of updates including a brand-new interface to enhance user experience (UX) and a revised workflow which better aligns with customer’s needs.

UX updates include a new search function to simplify navigation and easier viewing of system resource information such as disk space, hardware, network and OS details.

Details of revised GTDeploy

To enhance the deployment of fleet-wide software updates, the revised GTDeploy features: Automation to allow software deployment management to be rules-based and installations across a fleet to be based on customised criteria One-click deployment and installation A new ‘attributes’ function which has replaced tagging to enable targeted distribution of software updates Abstract tagging has also been replaced with customised attributes for vessels and workstations Operations Director at GTMaritime, Jamie Jones, said: “When it comes to cybersecurity, just one piece of out-of-date software can put a vessel at risk of a cyber attack. Software updates are vital to patch security holes, fix and remove bugs and add new features to improve operations.

“GTMaritime continuously monitors the evolving cybersecurity landscape and we proactively develop our solutions to provide customers with the greatest level of cyber protection. The latest version of GTDeploy provides customers with greater control over software updates. The redesigned user interface, and new automation and customisable functions have simplified the process to make the deployment of updates even easier to ensure continued fleet-wide security.”

Designed specifically for the maritime industry

Designed specifically for the maritime industry with the demands of satellite connectivity in mind, GTDeploy operates over the company’s secure data transfer platform FastNet which provides additional security while optimising data streams between ship and shore.

Managed via the FastNet dashboard, GTDeploy requires no user interaction as it installs, uninstalls and updates programmes in the background.

Software installed by GTDeploy can also be automatically updated when a newer version is available.

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Source: GT Maritime


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