Cybersecurity Alerts Surge by 170% in 2024


  • Cyber threats in maritime operations are growing, driven by increasing connectivity and geopolitical tensions.
  • Marlink reports a spike in cyber alerts from 100,000 in January 2024 to 270,000 in April 2024, showing heightened attack frequency.
  • Phishing schemes and control system attacks dominate, with the maritime sector requiring a proactive, multilayered defense approach.

Cyber threats to maritime operations are rapidly increasing, especially as ships become more connected for operational efficiency and crew welfare. These growing risks include phishing schemes and attacks on critical command and control systems, reports Marine Link.

Marlink’s Insights into the Expanding Threat Landscape

Cedric Warde, Vice President, Global Sales – Digital, Marlink, highlights that geopolitical tensions amplify cyber risks.

He notes that integrating OT and IT systems on ships expands the attack surface, making critical systems like navigation and propulsion more vulnerable to attacks.

The Rising Impact of Cyber Attacks

Cyber hacks, including GPS spoofing, are increasingly affecting maritime and airline operations. For ships, these hacks can lead to serious incidents such as vessel groundings, collisions, and environmental disasters like oil spills.

Warde explains that some companies are ahead in their proactive cybersecurity efforts, conducting regular assessments and monitoring vessels. However, most companies remain reactive, driven by regulations or specific incidents.

Alarming Growth in Cybersecurity Alerts

The number of cybersecurity alerts in maritime rose from 100,000 in January to 270,000 by April 2024, indicating a significant increase in low-impact cyberattacks, which can evolve into more severe threats if left unchecked.

Marlink will unveil a new Security Operations Centre (SOC) Report, examining the threat landscape in maritime. The company currently monitors around 8,000 vessels, managing 2,000 firewalls and 8,000 endpoints.

Marlink’s Expansion with Diverto Acquisition

Marlink recently acquired Diverto, bolstering its cybersecurity capabilities with 50 specialists and 150 certifications to enhance protection for enterprise and critical infrastructure.

In 2024, 48% of cyber incidents were attributed to phishing schemes, with 36% targeting command and control systems. Warde also emphasizes the growing sophistication of attacks on OT equipment and IoT devices.

The Importance of a Multilayered Cybersecurity Strategy

Warde advises that the best defense is to adopt a multilayered cybersecurity approach, including regular assessments, robust network defenses, 24/7 monitoring, and crew training to reduce potential threats.

Warde stresses that cybersecurity is not just an IT issue, but also an operational concern, as any attack can compromise both ship operations and crew safety. Close collaboration between operations and IT is essential to safeguard maritime environments.

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Source: Marine Link