d’Amico International Shipping S.A Sells A Handysize Vessel



d’Amico International Shipping S.A. announced the sale of the Handysize vessel M/T Cielo Di Salerno SW Cap Ferrat Shipping LLC (Marshall Island) for US$ 13,000. d’Amico Tankers Limited has also a total of 12 newbuilding product tanker shipbuilding contracts with Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. Ltd.

Marco Fiori, Chief Executive Officer of d’Amico International Shipping, stated: “The sale of the Handysize vessel Cielo di Salerno reaffirms our skills also in the Sale and Purchase market since it is done in a firming market allowing us to maximize its proceeds.  As we have been mentioning in the past the Sales and Purchase activity it is a very important share of the shipping market and mastering it allows us to have a hedge compared to our competitors.  In this case we also managed to maintain the commercial control of the Vessel for her remaining useful life.”

Source: d’Amico International Shipping