Danish Ship Registries Pass 20 Million GT Milestone


As per the reports, The Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) has passed the 20 million GT milestone. Reports show that the total gross tonnage of vessels under Danish registry has gone well past 20 million GT mark, a rare feat that is achieved for the first time by the Danish Authority. 

Framework Conditions

The Danish government’s’ efforts to ensure attractive framework conditions for the maritime industry is currently yielding a very positive effect as the Danish flag continues to grow, says the DMA.

A recent example of this effort was the removal of the registration fee for ships in Danish registries (which include the Danish International Ship Register), which the Danish Parliament adopted earlier this year.

Denmark moving up the ranks

Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Brian Mikkelsen comments:

“The results we are seeing are proof that Denmark is an attractive flag state. We will continue efforts to ensure even better conditions as a strong Danish flag benefits the whole of Denmark. Plus, this is a good example of Denmark gaining from free trade – because global trade increases economic activity among shipping companies, and this becomes very fruitful when we are also having more of those companies choosing Denmark as center of gravity for this increased activity.”

Denmark is moving steadily up the ranks, and is currently the world’s 12th largest register.

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Source: Marine Log