Designated Ports for Crew Disembarkation During COVID-19 Pandemic


ECSA and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) sent a joint letter asking European Commissioners for special measures to ensure crew is protected during the COVID-19 pandemic, reports Safety4Sea.

Special measures for protection

ECSA and ETF in the joint letter call for special measures to ensure those working in the shipping industry will be protected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The letter was addressed to the European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, the European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, and the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell Fontelles.

Supporting the EU economy 

Both organizations call the EU to ensure that the shipping industry and the maritime transport workers can play their role in supporting the EU economy to the fullest extent possible, and that the social, operational and economic impacts of the crisis are reduced as much as possible.

Both partners noted the importance of seafarer repatriation, who currently remain stranded in third countries or on vessels that have been unable to obtain permission to dock.

Proposal for political agreement

Both ECSA and ETF asked the Commissioners to issue a proposal to the Council for political agreement regarding designated ports for crew disembarkation and crew changes, in line with the conditions set, inter alia geographical spread, capacity, proximity to health facilities and international airports.

EU’s guidelines applauded

The letter applauds the EU’s guidelines on

  • protection of health, repatriation and travel arrangements for seafarers,
  • passengers and other persons on board ships.
  • proposed the designation of specific ports for fast-track crew changes.

For more information read our article EU Issues Guidelines To Implement Fast-Track Crew Changes

The letter reads,

“We are very pleased to notice that this need for a broad definition of maritime workers was recognised and included in the guidelines.”

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Source: Safety4Sea