DNV And MPA To Continue Collaboration In The Maritime Industry

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DNV and Singapore’s Maritime Port Authority (MPA) have agreed to continue their collaboration on decarbonisation and digital innovation in the maritime industry, says an article published on The Digital Ship.

New term of cooperation

At the Singapore Norway Innovation Conference, Kenneth Lim, assistant chief executive (industry and transformation), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), and Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria, regional manager South-East Asia, Pacific & India, maritime at DNV, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to renew their partnership.

The three-year MOU will herald a new term of cooperation between the two.

Initiative’s scope

The initiative’s scope includes decarbonisation, digitalisation and talent development for sustainable and smart maritime ecosystems. It builds on a 2019 extension of an MoU first drafted in 2014 to cover critical emerging trends within the maritime industry.

Maritime business

These include autonomous shipping, low and zero-carbon fuels and green technology for ships and new maritime business and operation models utilising additive manufacturing for ship spares.

Digital transformation

“Decarbonisation and digitalisation are the two most important trends shaping the maritime industry today. Our continuing collaboration, cemented by today’s MoU extension, signifies DNV’s commitment to drive ever forward with MPA Singapore and deliver key decarbonisation and digital transformation milestones within the industry,” said Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria, regional manager South-East Asia, Pacific & India, maritime at DNV.

Complementing strategy

Kenneth Lim, assistant chief executive (industry and transformation), MPA, said, “The renewal of the MoU between MPA and DNV underscores the commitment to our decarbonisation and digitalisation aspirations, including talent development and R&D to chart the pathways to net zero for international shipping while complementing IMO’s GHG strategy.”

Remote survey inspection

Areas for future cooperation include catalysing Joint Industry Projects on the pathways to net zero and leveraging digitalisation as a key enabler for energy efficiency.

On the digitalisation front, DNV and MPA will explore projects to increase the adoption of remote survey inspection and audit through technology, the standardisation of vessel operational data, and alignment on cyber and smart notations.

Exchange program

Both partners will collaborate to develop a future-ready talent pipeline for the maritime sector through internships and develop a maritime research talent pool through an exchange program with various entities in Singapore.

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Source: The Digital Ship