DNV GL Publishes a New Rule Set



The new DNV GL classification of ships will be available online for the first time today.  The rules were reviewed by 250 internal experts and more than 800 customers and maritime stakeholders.  Two leading classification societies were involved in framing the new rules which are modern, easy to work with, industry-driven, efficient, and ready for the future.

Remi Eriksen, DNV GL Group President and CEO described it as “an historic moment,” to launch rules after involving customers and industry stakeholders All concerned showed enthusiasm and offered invaluable input.  It is a new industry benchmark,” says Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO DNV GL – Maritime.  The new rule set gives an even better basis to deliver the safety, efficiency and quality customers expect.”

Over 7,000 pages were reviewed, both internally and externally and detailed comments by yards, manufacturers, owners, academics, flag states and other maritime stakeholders.  The extensive consultation process caused more than 700 rule modifications.

Equivalent Design Waves (EDW) to calculate environmental loads which enables a more accurate representation of the loads and consequently a more precise stress description of a vessel’s structure was introduced.

The rules also support the latest technologies including battery installations and hybrid propulsion concepts, gas-fuelled readiness and LNG bunkering vessels through additional class notations.  The new DNV GL rules will come into force on 1 January 2016.

Source: DNVGL