DNV GL’s Next Gen LPG Carrier is a Joint industry Project!



DNV GL has initiated a joint industry project for the design of a state-of-the-art next generation LPG carrier.  LPGreen aims is to develop a more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and safer vessel for the transportation of LPG products, taking into account existing and future trading patterns and ensuring the overall competitiveness of the concept.  The project will incorporate the latest advances in hull form optimisation, cargo handling systems, engine technology and fuelling options.  The resulting concept design will be compliant with the new IGC Code.

DNV GL has brought together experts from across the industry for this project, including Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Wärtsilä, MAN Diesel & Turbo and Consolidated Marine Management (CMM), each contributing their unique expertise and experience.

“The project contains some of the industry’s technology leaders to bring innovation in practice,” says George Dimopoulos, Principal Specialist at DNV GL’s Maritime R&D and Advisory unit in Greece who acts as the classification society’s Project Manager for LPGreen. “Using our partner’s experience, technology expertise and coupling it with state-of-the-art tools such as hull form CFD optimisation and COSSMOS for integrated machinery systems, we are confident that we will develop a competitive, compliant and safer concept vessel, with significant advances in a range of its features,” he explains.  The LPGreen project is planned to be completed by the end of this year.

The project partners will investigate the potential for hull form optimization, improved cargo handling and management systems as well as machinery systems integration using the DNV GL COSSMOS tool.  An additional feasibility study will assess the total competiveness of the concept.  The LPG concept vessel will include significant improvements in terms of its energy efficiency, environmental track record and the level of safety.  The target is a concept that will be ready to be implemented as soon as the project is completed.

Source: DNV GL