DNV Guidance: Power Limitation Measures for EEXI Compliance


  • DNV outlines power limitation solutions like EPL (Engine Power Limitation) and ShaPoLi (Shaft Power Limitation) to comply with EEXI regulations.
  • Changes like propeller retrofits or turbocharger cutout combine with permanent power limitations.
  • Updated documentation, including maneuvering information, EEXI Technical File, and NOx Technical File (if needed), must accompany any implemented power limitation solution.

DNV has provided comprehensive guidance on implementing power limitation solutions to meet EEXI compliance. These solutions include overridable options like EPL and ShaPoLi, as well as permanent measures like engine derating. Proper documentation and operational updates are critical to ensure compliance and safety, reports SAFETY4SEA.

EPL and ShaPoLi: Overridable Power Limitation Solutions

  1. EPL (Engine Power Limitation): Directly restricts main engine power via mechanical or software fuel index limitations.
  2. ShaPoLi (Shaft Power Limitation): Measures shaft power and reduces fuel index or propeller pitch when exceeding the limit. Alternatively, provides bridge alarms when limits are exceeded.

Both solutions require an approved Onboard Monitoring Manual (OMM). Overridable by design, these limitations maintain the IAPP certificate unchanged.

Permanent Power Limitation: Ensuring Design Compliance

Combines engine power limitation with modifications like propeller retrofits or turbocharger cutouts.

Prevents exceeding design power, ensuring propulsion safety. Unlike overridable limitations, these measures lack a bypass option.

Requires updates to the EEXI Technical File and removal of previously valid OMM documentation.

Engine Derating: Permanent Engine Modifications

Reduces maximum power by deactivating cylinders, shortening stroke lengths, or retrofitting combustion chambers.

Requires amendments to the NOx Technical File and revision of the IAPP certificate.

Manoeuvring Information Updates

Permanent limitations and derating necessitate updates to the wheelhouse poster and manoeuvring tracks.

Conducting manoeuvring test trials is recommended to ensure accurate operational data.

Key Recommendations

Ensure all power limitations are surveyed, documented, and attached to the EEXI Technical File.

Train crew on the operation and documentation of the applied limitation solution.

For propeller retrofits, validate that power does not exceed design limits and remove outdated documentation.

Reflect power changes in maneuvering information for safe navigation and pilot guidance.

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