Do FuelEU Regulations Protect The Arctic?


Responding to the EU Parliament voting on the FuelEU Maritime Regulation, Clean Arctic Alliance Lead Advisor Dr Sian Prior, said that it does not protect the Arctic, reports Safety4sea.

Green shipping fuels

More specifically, Europe’s lawmakers voted in favour of a 2% mandate for green shipping fuels by 2030. In addition to the 2% mandate, the European Parliament did reduce incentives for fossil gas by introducing stricter GHG targets.

Commenting on the cote, Dr. Prior stated:

“While the Clean Arctic Alliance acknowledges some progress on long-term targets for shipping decarbonisation in the European Parliament’s vote on the FuelEU Maritime Regulation, the regulations fails to protect the Arctic from the impact of shipping black carbon emissions”

As he further explained, despite the EU’s Arctic strategy supporting efforts to reduce black carbon emissions, and leading the drive for zero emission and zero pollution shipping in the Arctic Ocean, “the EU’s supposed ‘landmark’ agreement ignores black carbon – 20% of shipping’s climate impact.”

Therefore, Dr.Prior concluded that the EU:

“Fails to keep shipping CO2e emission reductions in-line with IPCC calls for deep emission reductions of short-lived climate forcers such as black carbon and halving C02e emissions by 2030”

In the same wavelength, Transport & Environment welcomed the world’s first measure to decarbonise shipping fuels, but says much more will be needed to get shipping to zero emissions.

In addition, ECSA also welcomed the progress made on the proposal, but stressed that more needs to be done to facilitate the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the industry.

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Source: Safety4sea