How to Dose Additives When you have a Fuel Problem?


A ship’s fuel shall be of a good quality and it is not only supplier’s responsibility but also ship owner/manager’s responsibility.  A Poor quality fuel can render a ship unseaworthy and thus it is ultimately the ship’s engineers who suffer.  There have been cases in the past where ships lost propulsion and power, where engineers had not much choice but to clean filters every 5 minutes to power the ship.  If a poor quality fuel is bunkered on board, the chances to make it better are very minimal.  Though additives of various make/brand are available in the market, not one additive can solve all the fuel problems. Viswa Lab has pioneered in testing various fuel additives and quantified the efficiency in treating bad fuels.  Viswa Lab’s Peace of Mind Package (POMP) testing will not only identify the root cause of a fuel problem but also will let the fuel user know on mitigating measures to solve the fuel problems.

MFAME has contacted various experts and recently we got in touch with INNOSPEC – Business Development Manager – Ian Crutchley and asked him some questions on additive dosing.

Here are his pearls of Wisdom in using additives:

Emergency Use of Stabilising Additives

HFO Dispersant Stabiliser additives have been around for many years, and are used continuously across some of the world’s largest fleets.  However, such products can be very versatile in their application, and are often used in many more ways than to homogenise fuel and reduce sludge.  Vessels regularly encounter severe problem fuels, identified either when operating, or more often prior to use through fuel analysis or by advanced testing as done in Viswa Lab.  Those issues often centre around stability, compatibility, excessive sludge, filtration and separation (centrifugal separator) issues.  It is here where an appropriate dispersant stabiliser additive can be an effective means of mitigating the issues and make the fuel usable.  This is recognised by most vessel operators and fuel testing laboratories like Viswa Lab, and guidance for application is regularly requested by both.  Dosing the fuel in such emergency cases can be a challenge, as typically the fuel is already on board and in use.  The following provides some generic guidance on application of dispersant stabilisers for emergency application.  However, it is recommended to consult the experts on additive application or fuel experts in Viswa Lab, as in specific circumstances recommendations may vary.

Option 1             

If it is possible to circulate storage tanks, or transfer fuel tank to tank.

  • Apply dispersant stabiliser at standard dosing ratio, into storage tank(s) where problematic fuel is held.
  • Transfer system should be arranged to circulate affected fuel around the tank, or from tank to tank.  For optimal dosage it is recommended to dose dispersant stabiliser manually at the suction side of the fuel transfer pump.  Alternatively, the additive can be manually dosed into the tank.
  • Transfer pump must be run to ensure the full tank volume is circulated / transferred. For example if tank capacity is 250m3 and transfer pump capacity is 50m3/h, then transfer pump must be run for a minimum of 5 hours.
  • If possible, allow a minimum of 48 hours residence time, with tank heating on, before using the fuel.
  • To reduce further problems in the fuel system and in addition to the above, it may also be recommended to dose the settling tank, also at standard dosage ratio, until all the problem fuel has been used.

Option 2

If it is not possible to circulate in the storage tank, or transfer tank to tank.

  • Dose dispersant stabiliser directly to the settling tank at a double dosage rate.
  • If possible, allow a minimum of 24 hours residence time, with tank heating on, before using the fuel.
  • For optimal dosing it is recommended to dose manually at the suction side of the transfer pump during filling of the settling tank.

Some General Advice

Ensure that purifier is operating at optimum temperature (typically 98°C) with appropriate density set up.  Reduce flow rate of the purifier to minimum acceptable rate (ensure sufficient flow rate to meet M/E and auxiliaries consumption).  Monitor purifier performance along with fuel supply system automatic filters.

If you have any questions or queries on this, or any other fuel additive application, please feel free to contact Innospec or Viswa Lab at:

About The Author:


Ian began a technical apprenticeship in 1996 with diesel engine manufacturer MAN Diesel & Turbo.  Ian spent 3 years in the Design Department working predominantly on new engine design and development.  In 2002 he joined the MAN Field Support Department, specialising in on site diagnosis of operational problems and major engine failures, as well as site management for the installation and commissioning and snagging of a large overseas diesel power plant.

Ian joined Innospec Ltd. in 2008 in the role of Technical Co-ordinator – Marine Specialties. His expertise lies in his knowledge of marine fuels, marine diesel engines, vessel performance and associated ship systems.  He represented Innospec in several industry groups including ISO working group for marine fuels and the British Standards Institute technical committee for liquid fuels.  For 3 years, he also acted as secretary for the International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC) working group for Fuels.  In 2013 Ian assumed a more business focused role, becoming the Business Development Manager Marine, for the EMEA region. Ian continues to apply his technical competence on a daily basis by supporting the wide customer base deal with all manner of fuel related issues – from quality, commercial, application, storage and handling.

About Innospec:

Innospec Marine Specialties is the largest supplier of marine fuel treatments in the world. Their broad range of fuel oil treatment additives is designed to increase safety, optimise engine reliability, reduce engine maintenance and operating costs.  Innospec has the experience, market knowledge, understanding and technical expertise to work closely with ship owners and their managers to develop specific additive solutions.  Innospec not only have the latest technology available, their team also includes the world’s leading experts in fuel treatment for the shipping industry.  Technical sales activities on site are supported by comprehensive laboratory facilities which provide a full range of fuel oil testing capabilities. With a focus on industry partnership, product quality, expertise in research and development, application development, dosing systems and additive distribution, Innospec’s customers can expect the best fuel oil treatments available as well as unrivalled technical support and service commitment.

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