DoT Accepts 9 Ships in Tanker Security Program

Credit: 정 규송 Nui MALAMA/Pexels

The Department of Transportation has accepted the first nine ships into its Tanker Security Program, allowing them to tap the privately owned tanker vessels if the American military needs quick access to oil around the world, reports the Presidential Prayer Team.

Three ships were selected for this first round of enrollment from Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc., Crowley-Stena Marine Solutions, LLC., and Seabulk Tankers, Inc.

The TSP accomplishes two key maritime sealift objectives: it grows our U.S.-flagged fleet and it significantly expands our ability to deliver vital fuel supplies to support military missions across the globe,” said Maritime Administrator Ann Phillips.

Implementation of the TSP is a significant milestone for [the Maritime Administration] and the U.S. maritime industry.”

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Source: The Presidential Prayer Team