e-News on Sailors Palm; Any Sea Any Time



At a time when IMO Labour conventions brought out new and better crew facilities and standards that included ready access to daily news, sports and entertainment, Canada-based PressReader and Telemar Group have launched newspaper and magazine solution for maritime sector, particularly the commercial shipping industry.

PressReader who have a wide network with major cruise lines worldwide, now propose to introduce more than 4000 full version newspapers and magazines available at the ship’s SeaMore local server. Crew can download them on to their personal Android at will. The contents will be updated on a daily basis and available anywhere in the world.

Telemar has the sole distribution rights of Press Reader’s solutions to the cargo and merchant shipping Industry.

For ships intending to comply with IMO’s staff welfare suggestion, adopting this technology by accessing PressReader over toctoc and SeaMore is a simple and cost effective solution. The added advantage to shipping companies would be to use this service to distribute proprietary content like their own newsletters, training material also via this network.

Currently, the newspapers available include The Hindu, Times of India, USA today, Washington Post, The Guardian, The Philippine Daily Inquirer, Rheinische Post, Men’s Health, and international and regional titles from 108 countries.

The partnership between PressReader and Telemar is such that, Telemar can utilize its domain expertise in market penetration, servicing, crew welfare solutions,critical business applications and creating value for the maritime industry.  The content from PressReader can also be made available in Telemar’s toctoc social hub app. This app allows for bi-directional calls and sending messages as well via satellite .

Telemar’s Toctoc app, it is believed, due to its optimal compression and unique algorithm ( under patent issue), will bring about a great, hitch free user experience.

Telemar proposes to disburse PressReader to the Oil & Gas  installations including remote installations, and to passenger ferries and cruise ships in the maritime sectors.

Source: PressReader Blog