Early Detection of Abnormalities in Electrically Controlled Diesel Engines


Leading Japanese classification society, ClassNK, has started verification tests of its next-generation condition-based engine monitoring system.



  • To assist in the early detection of abnormalities in electrically controlled diesel engines
  • To verify that the system is a practical and highly reliable next-generation condition-based engine monitoring system
  • To ensure appropriate preventive maintenance
  • To ensure safe operation of the ship and
  • To reduce lifecycle costs.

Technology Used:

Condition-based engine monitoring system called “CMAXS e-GICSX” (electronic Global Internet Customer Support neXt).

Initiated by:

  • ClassNK,
  • Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co Ltd,(MES) and
  • MES Technoservice Co Ltd.

Specially designed for:

MAN B&W engines of Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL).


Number of vessels are being equipped with fuel-efficient electronically controlled diesel engines that allow large amounts of sensor data to be obtained.  The increasing amount of data creates more workload for many shipping companies therefore a system that can analyze the automated sensors is needed.

What is CMAXS e-GICSX: 

It is the system that has the capability to detect abnormalities on board, regardless of ship-to-shore telecommunication status and displays troubleshooting based on the results of detected abnormalities.  It is different from conventional condition-based monitoring systems and can analyze correlations among multiple sensors by using an advanced algorithm.

About “e-GICS,”:

This system was developed by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.(MES) in 2004, is a Web-based maintenance support system for the diesel engine of the vessel. It diagnoses the performance and maintenance of major components of the engine. It is used on board more than 3,000 vessels.


This is a system offered jointly by ClassNK and ClassNK Consulting Service (CEO and President: Noboru Ueda; Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), a wholly owned subsidiary of ClassNK. It was developed based on expertise related to vessel inspection in anticipation of further streamlining engine inspection.


  • A total of three vessels from shipping companies including MAYARO from MOL Group have been installed with ClassNK CMAXS e-GICSX with the aim of verifying the effectiveness of abnormality detection and making sure that the troubleshooting function can be verified.
  • The verification test will go on until Spring 2016.
  • Following the verification test, ClassNK will provide a system to increase the reliability of machinery and support a reduction in lifecycle costs.
  • ClassNK will also work together with machinery manufacturers to carry out a streamlined verification of the application of ClassNK CMAXS through vessel engine inspections.

Source: ClassNK