Ecospeed Wins Arctic Innovation Award 2019


According to an article published by OceanHub, on April 2, Subsea Industries won the Arctic Innovation Award 2019 for its Ecospeed non-toxic hull coating.

Most innovative technology

The winner of the award was announced at the Arctic Shipping Forum held at the Paasitorni Congress Centre in Helsinki, Finland.

According to the organizers the panel of independent judges, consisting of leading Arctic specialists, gave the award to “the company or individual that has developed the most innovative new technology, environmental practice or service to benefit the Arctic region.”

Commitment towards the sea

About the award, Subsea Industries CEO Boud Van Rompay said: “We are very proud to have been given this award by important members of the Arctic shipping community. This recognition strengthens us to keep pursuing our goal of clean rivers, seas, and oceans.”

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Source: OceanHub