EGCSA Predicts 4,000 Scrubber Equipped Ships by January 2020


According to the Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Association (EGCSA), an estimated 4,000 ships will be fitted with scrubbers by 1 January 2020 when IMO’s global bunker fuel sulphur cap rule is enforced, reports the Seatrade Maritime News Asia Correspondent, Lee Hong Liang.

The association’s prediction compares to some 3,000 ships to be fitted with scrubbers by 2020 based on another forecast by CE Delft, consultant to the IMO.

How will the scrubbers benefit plan out

“This investment in exhaust gas cleaning systems by a substantial portion of shipowners will also benefit those shipowners who have chosen to do nothing and plan just to procure fuel that complies with IMO limits,” EGCSA stated.

“The significant number of shipowners who have opted for EGCS will alleviate some of the pressure on 0.5% sulphur fuel supplies as they are likely to reduce global demand by approximately 18%,” the association said.

EGCSA, however, noted that shipowners who have invested in a cleaner environment will face a degree of uncertainty over the operation of scrubbers.

Removing Scrubbers Uncertainty

To assist in removing uncertainty and inaccurate information, EGCSA has launched a free-to-access global database concerning operating rules, in the form of a world map with zoom-in facility to identify individual wharfs and quays and see if there are any restrictions on the operation of EGCS in place.

“The database provides links and verified information on legislation or rules that have been imposed. Verification material is included on the database,” EGCSA said.

Identifying Local Rules

Shipowner organisation The Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 has approached numerous ports to identify any local rules. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has also sought feedback from its shipowner community.

“The work of these organisations and any other interested groups will also be incorporated into the EGCSA database once verified, thus ensuring the most comprehensive and up-to-date verified information is made available to ship operators around the world,” EGCSA said.

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Source: Seatrade Maritime News