Electrical Nano-Pulses Reduce Emissions



Fuel efficiency and reduced emission are important for ships.  Standard scrubbers used on vessels require training for crews and maintenance to operate at their optimal continuous rating output.  The new technology developed jointly by Hong Kong shipowner Tai Chong Cheang Steamship (TCC) and the University of Southern California improve fuel efficiency and reduce NOx emissions by using electrical nano-pulses either at the point of exhaust or during combustion.

The tests at the laboratories and sea trials consistently cut nitrogen oxide emissions at the point of exhaust by almost 90 percent and reduced particulate matter by up to 75 percent.  The emissions research project was funded as a corporate social responsibility initiative  in response to impose caps on ship-source emissions.

The nano-pulse power is radically different and more cost effective approach.  It will unshackle owners and managers from the present constraint of slow steaming as the only means to realize lower fuel consumption.

Marine diesel engine combustion efficiency peaks at 50 percent, meaning that half of the heavy fuel oil (bunker fuel) ends up as unburnt hydrocarbons.  He argued the industry must go back to combustion efficiency to reduce, reverse and recover ship-sourced emissions before they are emitted.

Classification society ABS has been invited by TCC to review and assist with certification of the emission remediation technology and improved combustion technology.

Source: TCC Group