Enrolling For The ACP Certification Helps Reduce Downtime



ACP ( Alternate Compliance Program) certification for US flagged vessels helps vessels procure a certificate of inspection for safety and security of international standards.  The ACP certification automatically ensures obtaining certification standards under the SOLAS convention and its regulations under global standards and the MARPOL pollution prevention regulations.  This is a voluntary inspection process, that can supplement as an equivalent to the USCG regulations .

Under the current federal budget and the available CG regulations, enrolling for ACP helps streamline the regulatory compliance process for vessel owners and it also helps maximizing their vessels operating time.  While ACP certification is available for almost all new and modern vessels, it is noted that only 40% or less, of all ACP eligible vessels are currently enrolled into the program.

ACP certification can be considered as an alternate inspection process for the USCG accreditation.  Under the ACP, the ACS ( Alternate Certification Society) performs a majority of the annual inspection and class survey.  The USCG is thus required only to conduct an annual oversight exam.  ACP enrolment reduces the regulatory burden on the maritime industry and help vessels meet standards for international certification.

Vessel operators /owners who wish to have an ACP certification are required to submit an application form informing of their desire to enrol the vessel in the ACP and designate an ACS.  Form -“CG-3752” must be filled and submitted to the designated officer in charge, Marine Inspections, or the OCMI.