Ensuring Maritime Security: The Imperative Of Ship Security Assessments


Under the ISPS Code, Part A/8, the Panama Maritime Authority mandates that Company Security Officers ensure Ship Security Assessments (SSA) are conducted for all vessels under their responsibility. The SSA is crucial for developing and updating Ship Security Plans, integral to ensuring maritime security.

Essential Elements of Ship Security Assessment (SSA)

    • The SSA encompasses an on-scene security survey and evaluates existing security measures, key shipboard operations, potential threats, and vulnerabilities. It must be documented, reviewed, accepted, and retained by the company.

Focus Areas of Ship Security Assessment (SSA) on Flagged Vessels

    • The assessment addresses physical security, structural integrity, personnel protection systems, procedural policies, cyber risk management, and other vulnerable areas onboard or within port facilities.

Considerations for Threats and Security Incidents

    • The SSA identifies various security threats, including damage to the vessel or port facility, hijacking, tampering with cargo, unauthorized access, smuggling, and attacks at sea or while berthed. It prepares vessels for preventive measures and response strategies.

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Source: Safety4Sea